Design Step One
Identify which forms are required in the construction documents. This can be performed by an Engineer, Lost Coast Energy, or another qualified Energy Consultant. These tests should be specified on the plans outside of the Title 24 compliance document to ensure General Contractor is aware of requirements.
Design Step Two
Contact Lost Coast Energy or Mechanical and or Lighting Acceptance Test Technician to plan check the initial draft of plans to confirm they meet Title 24 mandatory measures. Consult with building owners on optional compliance paths and measures to see that they meet the functional and energy goals of the building owner.
Design Step Three
Revise Compliance paperwork to include an updated compliance certificate for submission to the building department along with plans. This includes an updated electrical plan to show advanced lighting design, NOT line voltage single line diagrams of lighting. The mechanical plan should be updated to include any measures taken including demand control ventilation, lighting occupancy sensors being used as relays to sense occupancy for HVAC, economizer control, and outside air requirements. A sequence of operations should be provided for both HVAC and Lighting. Spaces over 10,000 square feet should show Demand Response, a means for the utility to reduce both the lighting and HVAC loads in the event of a power shortage or an islanding event such as a Public Safety Power Shut Off (PSPS). Lost Coast Energy can help with creating your HVAC and Lighting Sequence of Operations.
Construction Step One
Get A bid for Lighting and Mechanical Acceptance Testing! Acceptance of this bid will include a breakdown for subcontractors of project requirements so you can get an accurate and consistent bid. This is paramount when avoiding endless strings of change orders and finger pointing.
Construction Step Two
Provide Lost Coast Energy with contact information for awarded subcontractors.
Construction Step Three
Commissioning and Testing! Lost Coast Energy will perform tests, and if subcontractors wish to employ him in the capacity, perform commissioning, adjustment, and balancing at time of testing.